IRWIN NATURALS ガルシニアHCA 脂肪減少ダイエット 90ソフトジェルカプセル
【ご確認ください】海外直送のため発送からお届けまで7日前後かかりますGarcinia Cambogia is a small, sweet and exotic fruit that has been used for centuries in traditional Asian diets. Although it was historically prized for its digestive health benefits, new research suggests that Garcinia can be an excellent weight loss aid. ※Take three (3) Liquid Soft-Gels twice daily, 30 minutes before mealtime. メーカー名 IRWIN NATURALS社 内容量 90ソフトジェル 内容成分 (3粒中)Garcinia 1200mg BioPerine Complex 3mg -Bioperine Black Pepper Extract, Ginger Extract